How To Get Flat Tummy After Delivery In Nigeria

Congratulations on your new baby! As you know, after delivery is the best time to get back in shape. Whether you had natural childbirth or a C-section, it is important that you work out and start eating healthy soon after delivery. Here are some tips for getting a flat tummy after delivery:

Find out why it’s so typical to end up with belly fat that won’t budge, as well as what you can do to bring your body back to the way it was before pregnancy as quickly as possible.

How to get flat tummy after delivery in Nigeria

Comprehension of the After-pregnancy

The dreaded “bulging belly” or “mommy pooch” that simply doesn’t seem to go away after pregnancy is one of the most prevalent complaints that we hear from new mothers after they have given birth.

Here are some of the primary factors that may be contributing to the appearance that your belly is a little bit larger than you would like it to be after giving birth:

1. Accumulated “baby fat” in the abdominal region

There are a number of elements at play that contribute to the accumulation of stubborn belly fat that occurs as a direct result of carrying a child.

When a person consumes more calories than they burn off throughout the day, they will typically put on weight around the abdominal region. Because of the changes in your hormones when you’re pregnant, it can be tough to exercise. As a result, you are burning less calories each day despite the fact that you are eating for two.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, most women will discover that they have gained a large amount of their total weight. In order to provide adequate nutrition for and protection for the developing baby, the same hormones that allow you to retain calories also cause you to store those calories as fat. Additionally, when it comes time to breastfeed, the additional fat is utilized for its nutritional value.

2. Enlarged Uterus

In the beginning, your uterus was around the size of a large plum (three to four inches), but throughout pregnancy, it can grow to be as much as 500 times larger than it was before you got pregnant. Expect that your uterus will not return to its pre-pregnancy size immediately after giving birth, just as it did not grow overnight when you were pregnant.

Involution is the name given to the process by which your uterus shrinks back to its original size. The entire process can take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks after you have given birth, which may leave you feeling indeed very large for longer than you would like. Thankfully, the female body is designed to rebound to shape eventually.

You will start to experience cramping and uterine contractions, sometimes known as “afterpains,” approximately 72 hours after birth. These contractions, which are responsible for reducing the size of the uterus, will continue until involution is finished. Breastfeeding may help ease the discomfort of afterpains for some new mothers, and wearing a postpartum girdle may also be helpful in easing these sensations.

3. Loss of Skin Around the Abdomen After Pregnancy

When it comes to getting back into their pre-pregnancy shape, one of the most common challenges that new mothers face is dealing with loose skin on their bodies after giving birth.

Your skin goes through an intense stretch that lasts for nine months, which causes collagen fibres to break as a result of overstretching. However, there are natural ways of reducing loose skin, and these methods do not always require surgical intervention; more information on this topic is provided below.

4. Muscles of the Abdomen That Are Separated

Diastasis recti are the splitting of your abdominal muscles that can occur during pregnancy or as a result of stress to the muscles. Approximately 66 per cent of pregnant women develop separation of the abdominal wall during their third trimester.

Even after you have lost the majority of the weight you gained during pregnancy, you may still have a belly pooch if you have diastasis recti.

There is a spectrum of severity associated with diastasis recti, but fortunately, the majority of instances can be treated without the need for surgical intervention.

Now that we have seen considered the different causes of belly fats experienced by mothers  after birth, let us look at how to get a flat tummy after delivery in Nigeria:

5. Resume to a strict diet

In this step, you will be avoiding foods that have high levels of fat and sugar. You should also avoid foods that have a high amount of salt. In addition, you should avoid foods that are high in cholesterol as well as those which are high in caffeine. Also, foods containing trans fats should be avoided because they increase your body fat levels dramatically. Foods containing saturated fats should also not be consumed during this period since they can cause many diseases such as cancer and heart disease among others

How to get flat tummy after delivery in Nigeria

6. Exercise after delivery

Exercise after delivery is a good way to get a flat tummy, but you should not be in a hurry to lose weight as it will make you lose muscle mass and increase your risk of developing osteoporosis later on.

After delivery, it is also important not to return to work too quickly as this may cause injuries and even blood clots that can be fatal for new mothers.

It’s important not to return to your old lifestyle right away either because it can result in stress, depression and other health complications if done too soon after childbirth.

Instead of rushing back to work or returning home immediately after giving birth, take some time off so that both you and your baby can recover properly from the birth process before resuming anything else!

7. Breastfeed your baby

Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to lose weight after pregnancy.

The benefits of breastfeeding your baby include: weight loss, getting back into shape and helping you get your body back to normal.

Breastfeeding causes your uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnant size, which results in a flatter stomach. As well as this, it helps increase metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories) and improves insulin sensitivity – meaning less fat will be stored in other areas such as thighs or hips.

8. Have a positive mindset and believe in yourself

Having a positive mindset and believing in yourself is the first step towards getting a flat tummy after delivery. As you prepare for the birth of your baby, take time to meditate and visualize what you want so that when it happens it will be easier for you to accept.

It’s important not to compare yourself or your body with others; every woman is different and has different bodies at different stages of life so there is no need to compare. If this becomes too hard, try focusing on other things like how much weight did you gain during pregnancy? How much weight did your baby gain during pregnancy? How was labour? These can be great conversation starters with other mothers-to-be!

Take time daily to exercise even if it’s just walking around the house or doing some squats while watching TV or holding onto something while sitting down on the toilet seat while peeing (lol). And don’t forget about breathing exercises – they really help me relax my body, especially during stressful moments such as the postpartum recovery period where everything seems overwhelming at times!

9. Drink lots of water

In addition to eating healthily and exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water can help you shed the extra kilos that have accumulated during pregnancy. Many studies have shown that increasing your fluid intake can help boost weight loss by reducing bloating and boosting metabolism.

Drinking at least eight glasses of water every day is recommended, but more is better—the only drawback is having to pee more often! If you want to make sure you’re drinking enough fluids throughout the day, try filling up a large bottle with water before leaving home in the morning and taking it with you wherever you go. 

10. Avoid stress and other negative emotions

Stress can cause you to overeat, eat unhealthy foods and even eat more than what is good for your body. The stress hormone cortisol, which is produced by the adrenal glands, has been found to be released when one experiences stress. Cortisol helps the body fight or flee from danger by increasing blood sugar levels and giving energy during stressful situations.

11. Wear A Postpartum Girdle

Put on a girdle after giving birth to get your stomach back in shape.

You can get a head start on your postpartum recovery by starting to wear medical-grade belly binders a day or two following the delivery of your baby. In point of fact, several famous people, such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian, and Jessica Alba, have admitted to using post-pregnancy girdles in order to get their pre-pregnancy bodies back.

This once closely guarded celebrity information is now public knowledge and may be obtained by mothers all around the world. The postpartum girdles from Bellefit come with a doctor’s recommendation and are certified by the FDA. They are the best option for expectant mothers who want to feel supported and comfortable during their postpartum recovery, regardless of whether they gave birth naturally or through cesarean section.

Putting on a postpartum girdle as soon as possible after birth can have a number of positive effects. The following are some of the advantages:

  • The use of compression therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing the discomfort associated with the involution process.
  • Improves circulation of the blood
  • Improves posture
  • During the activity, it provides support for the abdominal muscles as well as the back.
  • It makes it easier to get back into the clothes you wore before you became pregnant.

All of these benefits working together — in addition to others — not only assist to facilitate and speed up healing after childbirth but also contribute to the loss of baby belly fat.

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